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UNDERSTANDING The students understanding of relevant methods in their field of research, and their data interpretation skills. EXPERIMENTAL OR STUDY DESIGN The students ability to design meaningful, well thought out, experiments or other types of studies. LABORATORY/DATA COLLECTION SKILLS The students ability to organise experiments (and execute reproducible, mistake free work) or other types of data collection. RECORD KEEPING The quality of the students recording of their work and, where appropriate, supplementary data files (including if relevant prompt, clear & thorough recording in lab notebooks). ORAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS The quality of the students performance at seminars/conferences etc. INNOVATIVE QUALITIES The students ability to contribute ideas, solve problems and know when to seek advice. SEMINAR ATTENDANCE The extent to which the student participates in seminars, journal clubs, etc. and the nature/quality of their contribution.  DRIVE AND DETERMINATION The students application to tasks, their effectiveness and motivation. PROGRESS The actual yield of publishable material to date. SUPERVISORS ARE REMINDED THAT STUDENTS MUST SHOW THEIR LOG TO THEIR APPRAISERS OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF: (a) PERFORMANCE (b) PROSPECT FOR COMPLETING A SUCCESSFUL PhD PROJECT Signed: ________________________ Date: _______________  STUDENT'S REFLECTION ON SUPERVISORS COMMENTS: Please sign to indicate that you have read your Supervisors' report. Signed: ________________________ Date: _______________ Give the completed form to the departmental appraiser for return to the Research Degrees Officer THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE Annual Appraisal of Postgraduate Research Student (Form 4) Students Comments Name of Student: ________________________ Department: ______________________ Date of Registration: ________________________ Supervisor: i) ________________________ ii) ______________________ Part 1 to be filled in by the student. This section aims to ensure that students are receiving sufficient support for their studies in the following areas: 1.SupervisionExcellent Good Satisfactory Weak Very poor2.Research &/or library facilities/access to relevant reading materialExcellent Good Satisfactory Weak Very poor3.Supply of experimental animals/clinical cases etc. (where appropriate) Excellent Good Satisfactory Weak Very poor4.Training in techniques or research methodologiesExcellent Good Satisfactory Weak Very poor5.Opportunities for discussion on research topic with people other than supervisorExcellent Good Satisfactory Weak Very poor If you have circled Weak or Very poor for any of the aspects above, please provide further details and be prepared to discuss them with your appraisers (or in confidence with the Graduate School, if preferred): Please provide further details of any other areas of concern that you would like to discuss with your appraisers: Please confirm the number of undergraduate and MSc project students that you have helped to supervise in the past year: Undergraduate: ______ MSc: ______ I have met with my assigned PG Mentor YES / NO (circle one) Please provide details of any other teaching that you have undertaken in the past year: I have attended all of the College statistics course YES / NO (circle one) I have taken the statistics examination YES / NO (circle one) If Yes indicate when: ________________________ If No give reasons Result (if taken this academic year): ________________________% Professional, Personal and Career Development activities. Summarise your training activities (online/face-to-face), career development activities and achievements (papers published, conference/seminar attendance, poster/presentations given) over the past 12 months. (Please see below or refer to the PhD training booklet if necessary) ActivitiesRDF SubdomainsPoints gained Total Number of training points = _______________________ If you have gained fewer than the expected 10 training points/year, please explain why and, where applicable, outline the remedial action you intend to take next year. 1Training Points Every PhD student is expected to take part in approximately 10 days of transferable (generic) skills training each year (pro-rated for part time students). The training provided by the Graduate School has been mapped to the Researcher Development Framework (RDF) and a points system to record the amount of training undertaken has been introduced. Points are allocated for taking part in courses or workshops run by the Graduate School, HR and external organisations and for other activities such as conference attendance, teaching and attending seminars. One point equates to approximately half a days training, so students are expected to accrue 20 training points per year. (see table below). Some recurring activities (such as attendance at a seminar series) will have a maximum tariff of points that can be gained per year. If you have undertaken activities not listed in the table which you believe have helped you to develop transferable skills (e.g. writing a grant, or an ethics application) you should estimate the number of points to be allocated, providing a reason for the estimate, and note the sub-domain(s) of the RDF that the training falls within. . Contact the Graduate School for further advice if needed. Training Point Allocation: ActivityPointsActivityPointsConferenceJournals Attendance1Peer reviewing a paper for a journal 2Writing a meeting abstract 2Writing a paper(depending on contribution)1, 3 or 6aGraduate School/HR/External training sessions  day course/workshop1Poster presentation (including preparation)2Full day course/workshop2Oral presentation (including preparation)2College Seminars (including PG Seminars)Attendance/academic year (at least 50%)2Presentation (each)1Other Internal Seminar SeriesAttendance/academic year (at least 50%)2Presentation (each)1External talks (other than at a conference)Journal Club Attendance (each, up to a maximum of 5 a year)0.25Regular attendance during the year2Presentation (each)1Presentation of paper1Teaching/session (up to a maximum of 3 sessions/academic year)Postgraduate representativeDemonstrating1Attendance at meetings (each)0.5Tutorials or small group teaching (including preparation time) 2Contributing to supervising UG/MSc project students (per student, up to a maximum of 2 per year)2Contribute to organising or organising a scientific meeting or other event Completion of the TLiHE course10 or 12 bMain organiser of half or one day local meeting or event2Postgraduate Research Day (presenting a poster or giving a talk)2Member of organising committee of a national or international conference 3Attendance (full day)2 a 6 points: Entirely responsible for writing the submitted version of a paper, incorporating comments from supervisors and other co-authors b 12 points: Completion of course plus assessment 10 points Completion of course only (no assessment) 3 points: Writing the first draft of a paper and revising after receiving feedback 1 point: Writing a section or a sub-section for the first draft of a paper 0 points: Simply read through and commented on the final draft of a co-authored paper STUDENTS ARE REMINDED THAT THEY MUST SEND THEIR COMPLETED LOG TO THE APPRAISERS Part 2 to be filled in by student: Please outline your objectives for the next 6 months. Students entering their final year of study are expected to include a writing-up plan with timeline . The plan should be discussed with your supervisors at your 30/42 month meeting and a copy sent to the Graduate School (see Student Log). Signature of student: ________________________________ Date: ______________________ Part 3 to be completed by assessors: Suggest any improvements to the students research training/training environment you think are required. (This can be done on a separate sheet and sent to the Research Degrees Officer if appropriate) Research with Integrity Please ask the student if s/he has any issues/concerns about research integrity that they would like to raise. (Circle the appropriate response below and provide details as appropriate). No issues/concerns to raise An issue(s)/concern(s) to raise, please provide details Signature of Departmental Assessor: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Signature of Non Departmental Assessor: ________________________ Date: _______________ Return the form to the Research Degrees Officer.  Part 4 to be completed by the Head of Graduate School/Head of Postgraduate Administration: Action required: Signed by Head of Graduate School/Postgraduate Administration: ___________________________ Date:___________________________ THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE Annual Appraisal of Postgraduate Research Student (Form 5) Recommendations of the Assessors Name of student: ______________________________________________________ Date of Registration/Length of Course: ______________________________________________________ Supervisors: ______________________________________________________ Research topic: ______________________________________________________ Date of appraisal meeting: ______________________________________________________ We have evaluated the students log and have satisfied ourselves that: They have attended an appropriate number of seminars, undertaken skills training and have gained 10 training points this year Yes / No b) They have regularly met with their supervisor(s) and have agreed objectives Yes / No  Agreed Recommendation of the Assessors *1. Progress is satisfactory; registration for MPhil/PhD should be continued *2. Progress is not satisfactory. Specify further action required on the form or on a separate sheet *3. Progress is not satisfactory; the registration for a higher degree should be terminated Format of next full appraisal *Select appropriate option *Year 2 4 6 *5,000 word report and oral OR *1-2 page report, presentation and oralNOTE: All part-time students must write a 5,000 word report and have an oral at the end of year 2 If the overall quality of the students written report and performance at the appraisal meeting is judged to be satisfactory (forms 2/3), and youve recommended the 1-2 page report/presentation/oral format for their next appraisal, please provide a brief rationale: The estimated submission date is (month and year): ________________________________ We advise that the student is referred to SPDS Yes / No Departmental Assessor Non-Departmental Assessor Name: _________________________ Name: _________________________ Signature: _________________________ Signature: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________ THE ROYAL VETERINARY COLLEGE Annual Appraisal of Postgraduate Research Student (Form 6) Short Report by Student In no more than 2 sides: Summarise your progress over the past year; Outline your plans for the next 6 months Please attach a separate sheet showing any presentations or publications. All forms must be completed and signed immediately following the appraisal, and returned together to the Research Degrees Officer by the departmental assessor. Copies of the forms will then be sent to the student, their supervisors, assessors and Head of Department. An unfavourable decision (recommendation 3 or 4) will be notified directly to the student by the Head of the Graduate School following consultation with the Head of Department and supervisors. The student may appeal against an unfavourable decision. Note: Compliance with the appraisal procedure is a requirement for postgraduate research students registered for a higher degree (see Code of Practice). 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