ࡱ> 352  bjbj 4ccrr o$3) 2~I J?0oR,~~Hor : MPhil Thesis Word Limit The length of an °ϲʹ MPhil thesis should be no more than 60,000 words including figure legends and footnotes but excluding bibliography and appendices. Effective from 27th March 2014 PhD Thesis Word Limit The length of an °ϲʹ PhD thesis should be no more than 100,000 words including figure legends and footnotes but excluding bibliography and appendices. Effective from 28th November 2013 Please note: Appendices should only include material which the examiners are not required to read in order to examine the thesis (but to which they may refer if they wish). The above are upper limits and not targets. Students should consult with their supervisor(s) about the length of thesis that is appropriate for each particular research topic and be mindful that brevity without sacrifice of clarity will be appreciated by examiners. Extensions to the word limit will not be permitted. 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Students should consult with their supervisor(s) about the  @Palatino Linotype------- @ !$- --- m2 _A0 length of thesis that is appropriate for each particular research  2 0   J2 *0 topic and be mindful that brevity without     \2 _60 sacrifice of clarity will be appreciated by examiners.    2 0     2 _0   --- X2 _30 Extensions to the word limit will not be permitted.    ---  2 0    2 0   "Systemup[\ Au@u\A--  00//..i՜.+,00 hp  °ϲʹ 0Please Note the °ϲʹ Word Limit for a PhD thesis Title  !"#$%&'()+,-./014Root Entry FPS61Table WordDocument4SummaryInformation(!DocumentSummaryInformation8*CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q