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Anaesthesia & Emergency Critical Care Paper 1: up to 2hr paper containing MCQs and short answer questions Assignment 1: Case study Diagnostic Techniques Paper 2: up to 2hr paper containing MCQs and short answer questions Applied Nursing Care Paper 3: up to 2hr paper containing MCQs and short answer questions Assignment 3: Essay Professional practice Paper 4: up to 1hr paper containing MCQs and short answer questions Assignment 4: Literature review Professional Development & Clinical Skills Practicals Examination: 12 Objective Structured Practical Veterinary Examinations (OSPVEs) covering a range of clinical skills from Part 2 Reflective component (BLOGS) relevant to part 2 of the course Practical skills will be assessed via the RCVS electronic Nursing Progress Log continuously throughout the course and must be completed by the end of part 2 of the course. 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5Marking Criteria: Assignments °ϲʹ Common Grading Scheme. Multiple Choice Questions: The pass mark for the MCQ examinations as a whole will be set according to approved and accepted standard setting protocols, normalised and then scaled. The number of marks available for each type of question will be clearly stated on the examination paper. A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. Short Answer questions Short Answer Questions are marked against the Colleges 0-10 marking scheme. OSPVEs A pass mark will be set for each station. The pass mark for the examination as a whole will be set according to approved and accepted standard setting protocols, including if appropriate a minimum number of stations to be passed, then normalised and scaled. Reflective component (BLOGS) The BLOGS must be satisfactorily completed in accordance with the guidelines and will be graded pass or fail. 7.Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements First Sit WeightingCredit Value Resit As first sit. 7.1 Anaesthesia & Emergency Critical Care Paper 1 Assignment 1  67% 33% 25A module passed at second attempt may only be awarded a maximum of 50% 7.2 Diagnostic Techniques Paper 2 100%257.3 Applied Nursing Care Paper 3 Assignment 3  67% 33% 257.4 Professional Practice Paper 4 Assignment 4  33% 67% 25 7.5 Professional Development & Clinical Skills 12 Objective Structured Practical Veterinary Examinations (OSPVEs) Complete the RCVS NPL and Reflective Component(BLOGS) relevant to part 2  See 8.2 below 20 7.6Optional Assessment for Top Up to BSc part 3: One literature review and critique of at least 2000 words on methods of infection control in the practice. One Extended Essay of at least 2000 words on an aspect of Professional Development One essay on Animal Welfare of at least 3000 words (See BSc A&A regs.)8. 8.1 8.2 Requirements to Pass Overall First Sit FdSc Veterinary Nursing To have achieved an aggregated average of at least 50% in each module for part 2 of the course with not less than 40% in any assessment activity And To have achieved a pass in the practical examinations (OSPVEs) and the relevant reflective component (BLOGs ) for part 2 And To have completed the placement hours (2100hrs over 60 weeks) required for entry to the RCVS List of Veterinary Nurses Resit As first sit. 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Consequences of Failure or Failure to complete A candidate who has successfully completed Part 1 remains eligible for the award of Certificate of Higher Education in Small Animal Welfare & Care. A candidate who achieves less than 50% for a module will be required to resit the assessment activities for that module where a mark of less than 50% was obtained. A candidate that achieves less than 40% in any assessment activity will be required to resit that assessment activity and overall achieve 50% in the module. A candidate who fails to satisfy the requirements for the award of the FdSc after two attempts is required to relinquish the course. S/he has a right of appeal as described in the College Regulations 10.Award and Classification Average mark of 50- 64% obtained at the first sitting FdSc Pass Average mark of 65-74% in Part 2 obtained at the first sitting FdSc with merit Average mark of 75% or more in Part 2 obtained at the first sitting FdSc with distinction11. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number.12.Absence from summative assessment Where a student has an allowable absence, s/he will be marked absent (A) from a summative assessment and will be required to sit the assessment activity at the next available time. An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by PRUNE and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment.13. Late submission of work. Late or non-submission of assignment or assessed work forming a minor part of the assessment for a module will not be marked and will be recorded as a mark of 0 (zero). The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the module leader/course director for an allowable reason. Reports or Project work forming a major part of a module submitted after the due deadline cannot receive a mark greater than a bare pass. 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