ࡱ> vxu .bjbj *d&/8DcSN"MMMMMMMIPRhMM NMMJX6M!pZK(M#N0SNKSSSSP6MSS6MMM>SNSS :  Assessment and Award Regulations 1. Course: MSc in Veterinary Education 2. Year: 1 of Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Education 3. Applicable to Academic Year: 2009 2010 for the Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Education starting in September 2009 4. Aspects of course covered by Examination: Both theoretical and practical aspects of the following individual modules of the Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Education, will be assessed: Enhancing teaching and learning with technology Lecturing and Teaching in Large Groups Learning in Small Groups Teaching the basic sciences in a clinical context 5. Form of Examination: Written Assignments based on reflective narrative Teaching session design Tutor observation of teaching. Peer observation of teaching and written assignment on report 6. Marking Criteria: Will be based on the °ϲʹs 17 point marking scheme (see Appendix 1). 7. Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements Marks will be allocated to individual assessment components within a module depending on the learning outcomes and skills assessed within each module. Each assessment component will be marked by two individual examiners. 8. Requirements to Pass Overall and Progress to the Next Stage Requirements to Pass Overall Students are required to pass each component within a module at 50%. Within a module the total number of marks for the different assessment components will NOT be scaled and summated, and converted to a percentage to achieve a pass mark. Students marks will be moderated by the External Examiners. Resits: The student has one opportunity to resit the individual assessment component in which they have failed to score 50%. Progress to the Next Stage All students In any one year, students registered for a Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or MSc degree may study and be examined in a minimum of one 15 credit module and a maximum of four, 15 credit modules, excluding re-sits. Students registered for a Postgraduate Certificate In order to be able to progress from the Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Education to the Postgraduate Diploma or MSc degree in Veterinary Education students must normally obtain a pass at the required level (see Schedule B) in each of the two Postgraduate Certificate modules and receive a recommendation from the Examiners that they may proceed to the remaining modules of the diploma or degree. In the circumstances of paragraph 3.2 the Examiners may also recommend, if they think it appropriate, that a student who progresses from a Postgraduate Certificate to a Postgraduate Diploma or an MSc degree, may hold the pass at the Postgraduate Certificate to his or her credit in the event that he or she does not subsequently satisfy the Examiners in the remaining courses of the Postgraduate Diploma or MSc degree. If the student should be successful at the remaining courses, the pass at the Postgraduate Certificate examination will no longer be valid and the Postgraduate Diploma or MSc degree will be awarded. If the student should fail, or not complete, the remaining courses, he or she will be awarded the relevant Postgraduate Certificate with effect from the year in which the Postgraduate Certificate examination was passed. A student who accepts the award of the Postgraduate Certificate will not be permitted to re-register for a Postgraduate Diploma or an MSc degree at a later date unless they surrender the Postgraduate Certificate. Students, who have completed the Postgraduate Certificate and received an invitation to transfer, but do not make a decision on award or transfer within their registration period, will normally be automatically awarded the Postgraduate Certificate at the end of that period. The award will be with effect from the year in which Postgraduate Certificate courses were passed. Students registered for a Postgraduate Diploma In order to be able to progress from the Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Education to the MSc degree in Veterinary Education, students must normally obtain a pass at the required level (see Schedule C) in each of the four Postgraduate Diploma modules and receive a recommendation from the Examiners that they may proceed to the remaining modules of the MSc degree. The Examiners may also recommend, if they think it appropriate, that a student who progresses from a Postgraduate Diploma to an MSc degree, may hold the pass at the Postgraduate Diploma to his or her credit in the event that he or she does not subsequently satisfy the Examiners in the remaining courses of the MSc degree. If the student should be successful at the remaining courses, the pass at the Postgraduate Diploma examination will no longer be valid and the MSc degree will be awarded. If the student should fail, or not complete, the remaining modules, he or she will be awarded the relevant Postgraduate Diploma with effect from the year in which the Postgraduate Diploma examination was passed. A student who accepts the award of the Diploma will not be permitted to re-register for an MSc degree at a later date unless they surrender the Postgraduate Diploma. Students who have completed the Diploma and received an invitation to transfer, but do not make a decision on award or transfer within their registration period will automatically be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma at the end of that period. The award will be with effect from the year in which Diploma courses were passed. Students registered for an MSc degree Students are strongly advised to study one or more of the compulsory core modules before taking the Research project. At the discretion of the Examiners, a student registered for an MSc degree in Veterinary Education, who does not complete or pass in the seven modules plus the Research project comprising an MSc degree may be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma or a Postgraduate Certificate, provided that he or she achieved a pass in four modules comprising the Diploma and/or the Postgraduate Certificate in two modules comprising the Certificate. At PG Diploma and MSc stage, students will be allowed up to 15 credits from the MA in Medical Education from University of Bedfordshire. 9. Consequences of Failure The maximum number of attempts permitted in any module is two. A student re-entering an examination may, at the discretion of the Examiners, be permitted to carry forward the mark obtained on one component of the assessment for the module. If a student fails to satisfy the Examiners at a second attempt at any examination, his or her registration for the relevant award will cease. The student will not be permitted to re-register for the MSc degree, the Postgraduate Diploma or the Postgraduate Certificate, or to make a further attempt at the examination. 10. Honours Classification The MSc will be awarded with a grading of Distinction, Merit, Pass, and Fail. The award is normally given on the basis of achieving marks within the appropriate range. Examiners have complete discretion to take into account the student's overall performance. Mark range Class Equivalent 75+ Distinction Merit 50-64 Pass 0-49 Fail The overall result to award distinction, merit, pass or fail will normally be determined by the students combined percentage mark over all modules of the Examination. Compensation between components is permissible in determining the award of Distinction or Merit, which shall normally be based upon the students overall percentage mark, irrespective of the marks obtained in individual components. 11. Disclosure of Marks Each student will receive individual notification of attainment in the MSc Veterinary Education Examination according to the °ϲʹs Instructions for the Conduct of Examinations and Assessments for the Degrees of MSc. 12. Absence from Summative in- course assessment Summative in-course assessments must be submitted within the deadlines of each individual module and within the registration periods for each stage of qualification. Registration deadlines for each qualification are as follows: The minimum period of registration for the MSc degree is two calendar years from the effective date of registration for the degree. The maximum period of registration is five calendar years from the effective date of registration for the MSc degree. The minimum period of registration for the Postgraduate Diploma is one calendar year from the effective date of registration for the Diploma. The maximum period of registration is five calendar years from the effective date of registration for the Postgraduate Diploma. The minimum period of registration for the Postgraduate Certificate is one calendar year from the effective date of registration for the Certificate. The maximum period of registration is five calendar years for the Postgraduate Certificate. An application for an extension of registration may be considered for students who have not completed all the requirements of the programme for which they are registered within the maximum period of registration. The examiners may take into account the progress made by the students during registration. A fee will be payable if renewal is granted. The effective date of a students registration shall be September in the year in which he or she is initially registered. 13. Late submission of work Late submission of work will only be allowed with prior written permission obtained by the student by writing to the Course Director. Late submission will be allowed if a student is prevented from pursuing his or her studies through a disabling illness, or that of a near relative for whose care he or she is responsible. Medical or other evidence as may be required is necessary to obtain permission for late submission. An administrative charge may be issued if registration period is extended.      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