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Marking Criteria: For BVetMed elements College 0-10 Marking Scheme See BSc Veterinary sciences for the relevant year for BSc elements7. Allocation of Marks Written Paper 1 Written Paper 2 Written Paper 3 ISF practical/oral For the remaining 75 marks see BSc Veterinary Sciences details for the relevant year First Sit and Resit for BVetMed Progression 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 8. 8.1. 8.2 8.3 8.4.Requirements to Pass Overall In order to gain the BSc with Honours As defined for BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year In order to gain the BSc As defined for BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year In order to progress to year 3 of the BVetMed programme To be eligible for the award of a BSc degree as described in 8.1 or 8.2 above and to have an average mark of 50% aggregated from the marks listed in 8 above and to have achieved an average mark of 50% aggregated from Written Paper s 1, 2 and 3 and the ISF practical/oral and to have passed the OSCE/competency test in microscopy and to be able to complete 12 weeks of Animal Husbandry Extra Mural studies prior to commencing year 3 of the BVetMed. The Animal Husbandry Report will contribute to assessment for Year 3 of the BVetMed 9. 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5. Consequences of Failure Regarding the BSc Degree A candidate who is not eligible for an honours or an ordinary degree will not be eligible for any award or resit opportunity. S/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations. A candidate who has successfully passed year 2 will remain eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education Regarding Progression on to the BVetMed A candidate who is not eligible for a BSc honours or ordinary degree (as described in 8.1 or 8.2 above) will not be eligible for any award or resit opportunity for either the BSc or BVetMed. S/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations A candidate who fails the BVetMed progression requirements at the first attempt and remains eligible for the BSc degree (as described in 9.1.1. above) will be permitted one resit opportunity for the BVetMed module assessments. The marks from the project and the BSc option module will be carried forward. Any improved in marks as a result of taking a resit opportunity will not improve the marks available for classification of the BSc degree. A candidate who fails at the second attempt will be required to relinquish the course of study s/he will have a right of appeal as described in College Regulations.10. Honours Classification As BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year11.Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number. 12. Absence from in-course summative assessments As BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year13.Late submission of work As BSc Veterinary Sciences for the relevant year14Requirements to Progress to the next stage of the course. In addition to passing overall (see 8) a student must have completed at least 12 weeks of AHEMS prior to the start of year 3 of the BVetMed. A student who has not completed 12 weeks will normally be required to delay their progression to the next year.     !0QYfklnop  7 M # $ % & ) * < l  i j μ΂h]0=hbS+CJOJQJ\^Jh_5CJOJQJ\^Jh_CJOJQJ^Jhzj.5CJOJQJ\^J"h]0=hI5CJOJQJ\^J"h]0=hQ5CJOJQJ\^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ\^J-!$%nopstsmg]g $If^$If$Ifvkd$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF $If^$If@&gd]0= y *$If^*$Ifvkd$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF yyo $If^ *$If^*$Ifvkdx$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF            # $ ( $Ifvkd4$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF( ) - . 2 3 7 L M d b h " $If^ $If` 9r $If`$If" # $ % ( ) * < m yvkd$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF$If $If^ $Ifvkd$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF   i j ~~~~~~~~~pp"$If^"`$If{kdh$$Ifl40;j"`y!05&64 laf4ytOF j  7 t .J߾оЊ~~~вn^n^n~h]0=hQCJOJQJ]^Jh]0=hQ6CJOJQJ^Jh_CJOJQJ^Jh_5CJOJQJ^Jh]0=hCOCJOJQJ^JhCOCJOJQJ^JhQCJOJQJ^J"h]0=hQ5CJOJQJ\^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ\^Jh]0=hQ5CJOJQJ^J Jkd3$$Ifl4F\; j"p# y]Y05&64 laf4ytOF$If"$If^"` ~{kd*$$Ifl4F0;j" y!05&64 laf4ytOF$If  7 t u v SXSW$IfSW !"#%&'0156>?HIPQVXY_b{Ƿ⪚yyyyyygygU"h]0=hQ56CJOJQJ^J"h]0=h|95CJOJQJ\^Jh_5CJOJQJ\^J"h]0=hQ5CJOJQJ\^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ\^Jh_CJOJQJ\^Jh]0=hQ6CJOJQJ^Jh]0=hCOCJOJQJ^JhCOCJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ^Jh]0=h?rCJOJQJ^J  !"%&*+,-./04}}}}}}}}}}$Ifvkd$$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF$If45;<=>DEFGHNOPVWX_`ab{$If+R3*-r}]^_acz{|ڼڪڗڇzj^OjOOh]0=hQCJOJQJ^JhCOCJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ\^Jh_5CJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQ5CJOJQJ^J%h]0=hQ5>*CJOJQJ\^J"h]0=h|95CJOJQJ\^Jh 5CJOJQJ\^Jh_5CJOJQJ\^J"h]0=hQ5CJOJQJ\^J%h]0=hQ56CJOJQJ\^J*+-^_cd{xrgrr  9r $If$Ifxkd$$IflF0;j"y!05&64 laytOF $Ifgd|9$If ~xx$If$If{kd$$Ifl40;j"`y!05&64 laf4ytOFqkkkk$IfkdX $$Ifl4FF;@!j" y *05&6    4 laf4ytOF/5`abdfߩ}m^VRVRVRVRhyqjhyqUh]0=hDCJOJQJ^JhDhDCJOJQJ\^Jh h CJOJQJ\h hDCJOJQJ\h hD5CJOJQJ\hD5CJOJQJ^JhCOCJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQ5CJOJQJ^Jh_5CJOJQJ^Jh]0=hQCJOJQJ^J"h]0=hQ5CJOJQJ\^J ./a$IfvkdG $$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOFabf~$Ifxkd $$IflJ0;j"y!05&64 laytOFvvm $IfgdD <$IfgdD$Ifxkd $$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOF}$a$gd-xkd $$Ifl0;j"y!05&64 laytOFh]0=hQCJOJQJ^Jh3hyqh-hyq5(. 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