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A question left unanswered or deleted by the candidate will score zero. 8.Allocation of Marks and any additional requirements First Sit Professional Development and Clinical Skills: Portfolio and OSCE Clinical Nursing Practice I: MCQ and Case Study Clinical Nursing Practice II: MCQ Veterinary Nursing Applied Science I: MCQ and Short answer written paper Veterinary Nursing Applied Science II: MCQ and EMQ written paper and Case Study  20 25 25 25 25Resit As first sit 9. 9.1 9.2Requirements to Pass Overall First Sit To obtain an average mark for the year of 40% with not less than 35% in each module and have passed the RCVS NVQ 2 Resit As First Sit10.Consequences of Failure or Failure to Complete A candidate who fails a module at the first attempt is required to take the resit of the module or relinquish the course. A candidate who fails to complete the NVQ2 or VRQ2 assessments by the stated deadline will be required to interrupt his/her studies in order to complete these assessments. A candidate who does not complete the studies within in a period of one year of the original deadline will be required to relinquish study for the award of FDSc Veterinary Nursing. S/he may continue to study for/claim an award in Animal Care. A candidate who fails a module at the second attempt is required to relinquish the course. S/he has a right of appeal as described in the College Regulations.11.Award and Classification Average mark of 65-74% - Merit Average mark of 75% or more Distinction A student who has passed the year but does not proceed with further study may claim the award of Certificate.12. Disclosure of Marks Results will be published by candidate number.13.Absence and Summative in- course assessment Where a student has an allowable absence, s/he will be marked absent (A) from a summative assessment. Where a student has an A, and there are three or more in-course assessments in the year, the marks awarded will be the average of the other in-course assessment marks gained by the student. 90% of the marks for the year must be attributed to results of direct assessment i.e. no more than 10% of marks can be attributed to Absent (A) marks. An allowable absence is one that is for a significant unforeseeable event such as illness. Any other foreseeable absence will only be considered allowable if agreed by APRICOT and this will only apply in very strictly limited circumstances. A student absent for any other reason will be awarded 0 (zero) for the assessment.14.Late submission of work Reports or Project work submitted after the due deadline will be given a mark of 0 (zero). The only exception being if the student has been given an extension by the module leader for an allowable reason. CRITERIA75+65-74%50-64%40-49%35-39%34% or lessKnowledge and understanding Exceptionally good use of knowledge from the discipline pertinent to the area of study. Exceptionally good understanding and explanation of current issues. Demonstrates very good use of relevant knowledge from the discipline. Very good understanding and explanation of current issues.Evidence of highly relevant knowledge and principles. Clear understanding and explanation of current issues.Evidence of relevant knowledge and principles. Demonstrates understanding and fairly good use of explanation.Some misunderstandings regarding theoretical issues, and mainly descriptive use of knowledge. Attempts to demonstrate understanding of the subject area, but some aspects confused and/or underdeveloped.Knowledge of topic is inadequate and/or inaccurate and/or outdated. Understanding of the remit is not apparent and/or lacks logical and coherent explanation. Subject is confused or underdeveloped. Application Addresses the remit of the assignment fully and completely. Makes numerous links between areas of work to develop argument to a higher level.Addresses the remit of the assignment fully and completely. Clear and concise argument presenting relevant issues in a coherent form.Addresses the remit of assignment fully and completely. Summarises showing many of the relevant issues.Satisfactorily addresses the remit. Adequate summary that shows an appreciation of relevant issues.Has minimally addressed the remit. Poor attempt at summarising key issues and identifying related implications.Has not addressed the remit. Does not summarise appropriately or adequately identify key issues.Structure and sequence Logical presentation of information. Well structured sentences and paragraphs. Follows guidelines for presentation of academic work. Logical presentation of information. Clearly structured sentences and paragraphs. Follows guidelines for presentation of academic work. Generally information logically presented. Adequately structured sentences and paragraphs. Attempts to follow guidelines for presentation of academic work.Shows some attempt to present information in a logical manner. Structure of sentences and paragraphs not consistent. Some attempt to follow guidelines for presentation of academic work.Shows attempt to present information but not in a logical manner. Poor structure of sentences and paragraphs. Little attempt to follow the guidelines for presentation of academic work. Poor attempt to present information in a logical manner. Very poorly structured sentences and paragraphs. Very poor attempt to follow the guidelines for presentation of academic work.Use of evidence and referencing Use of core and a more extensive range of other evidence that is accurately integrated into the text. No inaccuracies in the use of the Harvard citation method.Use of core and a broader range of other evidence that is accurately integrated into the text. Few inaccuracies in the use of the Harvard citation method. Use of core and other evidence that is accurately integrated into the text. Minor inaccuracies in the use of the Harvard citation method.Some use of core evidence which is current and integrated into text. Minor inaccuracies in use of the Harvard citation method.Use of some core evidence but limited in amount and poorly integrated into the text. Many inaccuracies in use of the Harvard citation method.Evidence either not consulted or irrelevant. Consistently inaccurate use of the Harvard citation method.     Paper AB/52/07 !'(2IJKQRSX_`bhiCYu,WXY_` 6 < = > I u v w ޻ȻȻȻȻ޻Ȩ$hYhdB*CJ\^JaJphhd6CJ\^JaJhdCJ\^JaJhd5CJ^JaJhd5CJ\^JaJhdCJ^JaJhd5\^JaJ=!()JKRSa{uu$If$Ifukd$$Ifl0p##0i&64 las$If@&"""abij$Ifukd$$Ifl0p##0i&64 las$Ifukd$$Ifl0p##0i&64 lasXY$IfukdX$$Ifl0p##0i&64 lasVWXY`aukd $$Ifl0p##0i&64 las$If ! ; yy  9r $If$Ifukd$$Ifl0p##0i&64 las  6 = $Ifukd$$Ifl0p##0i&64 las= > ? 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